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robert stieghorst

robert stieghorst, berliner superstar musiker und herausragender bildender künstler am 11.4.2019 live in graz in meiner galerie am joanneumring 6. bin stolz seine kunst in österreich exklusiv zu vertreten und robert stieghorst hier als gast zu begrüßen. kommt und seht euch das an. ihre ursula stross..

"He has an endless arsenal of images and like a bricoleur builds from images meant to exist in different contexts new sentences. One may say he resets the reality in which those images already existed and give them a fresh meaning and a new perspective. It is a hybrid method that initiates a third space where known truths start to quiver and are revalidated, a space whose associative dynamics are not clear. This imbalanced state, reflected time and again in the very compositions of the works, similar to the literary form of the cento and its eccentric intertextuality is there to wake the dead and to reboot the imagination, an act much needed in times where this human quality is systematically disappearing through blinding spectacles."
(Dorset LeVitte Harten on Robert Stieghorst)

the artist is present
Vernissage 11. April 2019, 19:00 Uhr
12. - 30. April 2019, Di. - Fr. 11:00 - 17:00 Uhr
1. - 10. Mai 2019, Di. - Fr. 11:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Weitere Informationen
sushi & wine
Anmeldung dringend erwünscht
(c) Foto: robert stieghorst